Michael Pollan Teaches Intentional Eating

Art Direction: Lauren Fundora
Design: Heather Hardison
Morgan Pelligrino

Set Mural Design:

Usually the Motion GFX team’s work begins in post production, after the class has been filmed. For the Michael Pollan class, I had the opportunity to get in early work, and work on the set design. The mural I design was painted on the set as the focal point of the footage. The design was painted to resemble a “ghost sign” and recede into the background. We incorporated the design of the mural into the Intro Title Animation, and the style informed the rest of the GFX package creating a seamless look and feel between the graphics and the footage.

Intro Title Sequence:

The Intro Sequence introduces the viewer to the instructor and the look and feel of the graphics package for the class. It serves almost like and animated book cover. The approach MP’s graphics package was to tie the design of the mural into the intro animation. The mural was inspired by WPA Victory Garden posters and vintage orange crate art.

Intro Title Sequence Styleframes

Intro Title Styleframe: 3

Lesson Title Variations:

The content of each class is broken down into lessons. These animated lesson titles are at the beginning of each new lesson and introduce the content. There are 5 title varations that are cycled throughout the class.

Motion Sample

Sub-Lesson Titles:

Each lesson is broken down into sections called sub-lessons. These titles introduce the content of the sub-lesson.

In-Class Graphics:

These animations are within the chapters and act as visual teaching aids for the instructor.